Wednesday, 16 May 2012

So what is astrology?

The dictionary says astrology is "The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs." Astrology literally means "the Science of the Stars", from the Greek astrologiaastron (constellation; star) and logia (study of; ordering principle; utterance) Astrology is a very ancient, but still living discipline, it seeks the meaning and application of the influences of the planets, stars and other celestial phenomena in our lives. Astrology and astronomy have in modern times become separate studies, though for most of human history they were studied as one. Exploring ourselves, our relationships and our place within the world, astrology has found that the symbolic relationships between the heavenly bodies are significant, and can be seen as a map to human destiny. Astrology can give us insight into all manner of situations, from the personal to the political and from the most intimate to the most mundane. Many astrologers take a holistic view of the world, and believe in a spiritual connection between all things, even the planets, stars and us. The first thing to do when looking to interpret these influences is to run a horoscope or chart for the person / relationship / event etc. Filled with symbols, this symbolic map of the heavens is like a snapshot of the cosmic influences at work on that specific place or person at that particular moment in time. These influences will be expressed in whatever person or event is being born right there and then. Drawn in a map as unique as your fingerprints, these influences find expression in the course you take throughout the whole of your life.The astrologer's job is to then interpret the meaning of the symbols in the chart and to place these influences in an appropriate context, with relation to its subject. 

Personally for me astrology has always been relevant in my life, and at times of turmoil, or unexplained relationships and situations I have turned to astrology for answers and never been disappointed. It's helped me understand myself, understand how others work and how and why certain events have come into my life and equally have left. I believe astrology can be fun and whimsical like the daily sun sign columns in newspapers or online. Or it can be the foundation of a serious look into the components of personality, upbringing and events that make up an individual's personality. I also love the work that can be done into looking into relationships by synastry and composite charts. Looking at that unmeasurable chemistry that happens when two people meet and spend time together. So hold on for the ride, we will be looking into all of these aspects and more! And the picture above? Well that's me! :)

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